However, their life cycle destroys insects like crickets, grasshoppers How to Get Rid of Horsehair Worms in Humans They do not pose any threat to animals, for example, livestock or pets therefore no pest control methods like the use of insecticides is needed. When they enter the human body through drinking contaminated water, they stay in the digestive tract and are released in vomiting or feces They are actually beneficial to man as they kill crickets. Horsehair worms are harmless to human beings. The larvae now change into adult worms within the insect’s body and Nutrients are absorbed and digested across the body tissue of the insect after several weeks, the larvae are developed and can therefore break out of the wall of the host insect after taking over the insect’s behavior directing it towards water thereby emerging through the hole it created in the insect’s body.After 24 hours of hatching the larvae will form a protective cover known as the cyst which is exposed and mostly eaten by an insect example the grasshopper, sometimes it is ingested by the larval insect this will dissolve hence releasing the larva through the gut wall and hence into the cavity of the insect.Depending on the water or soil temperature, these eggs will take between two weeks to three months to hatch. This is internal fertilization and lays eggs in water or damp soil, the eggs laid are long in nature and the female lays up to more than several millions of them. Horsehair worm adults mate in both males and females.Below is the steps involved though are different for each worm. The life cycle from laying eggs to fully growing to adult isn’t understood and it is believed that there are several differences in these steps. One of the most common species is Gordius Robustus. However, they are not parasites of humans or pets hence no known threat. Horsehair worms develop in the bodies of crickets, grasshoppers, and cockroaches as parasites and when they turn into the maturity stage they then leave the host to lay eggs.

These worms are found in mainly dump areas, for example, watering troughs, pools, domestic water containers, dump garden soil, streams, puddles, and cisterns and the adult worms live freely in most cases. They are long worms with a size range of 100 millimeters long and in extreme cases a diameter of 3 millimeters. Horsehair worms also known as Nematomorpha or Gordiacea or Gordian Worms are threadlike roundworms similar to a horse’s tail and nematode worms in morphology. In this article, we will talk about horsehair worm and horsehair nematomorpha human diagnosis.